Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas 2015

We had a great Christmas in Kingsport with 11 of the "Gamble" family.  Bill and Anna, Charlotte and Harry, Susie and Ed, Andrew and his girlfriend Kayla, Lee, Alan and me.
Andrew's girlfriend Kayla not only got the traditional Santa hat, 
she also got elf shoes.
As the youngest, she was the elf to hand out the gifts.
Thank you Kayla for being such a good sport!
Bill shows off his new sweater and scarf.
Bill didn't forget his hat, or his great sense of humor.
Grandmother Charlotte gets wonderful quilt for grandbaby Logan.
Andrew's delightful dog Atticus made himself at home at our house.
Because of new "elf" Logan, the nephews graduated 
 from elf hats to new Santa hats.
Lee gets a cowboy hat because he lives in Nashville.
Andrew has the "Naughty" hat to match Kayla's "Nice" hat.
Andy and Brian have Auburn hats.

Thanks to Amy for putting together this collage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, thank you. I really enjoy seeing the pictures and memories.
