Friday, April 14, 2017

Alan update 4/14/17

I am afraid we have had a turn for the worse on Alan's condition.  Overnight, he went into respiratory distress.  He had to be intubated and put on a ventilator.  They have him on a sedative so he doesn't fight it, so he really doesn't know what is happening.  They wake him every hour to take vital signs and to check for cognitive issues.  They did an ultrasound of his legs, and he doesn't have any deep vein clots, which could have been the cause of the distress. He just had too much fluid in his lungs, and  the oxygen level in his blood was not right, so they had to do something about it.  He was gasping for breath.  According to news this morning, they are getting fluid from his lungs, which is good, and his lungs sound better.  We don't know how long he will be on the ventilator.  The nurse says it could be 2 - 3 days, but one never knows.  

On top of that, I came down with slight bronchitis and a sinus infection, so I have had to stay home to get well and not give what I have to Alan.  I am taking antibiotics and the temp is now gone as of today, so I may be able to go back to the hospital tomorrow, but I don't want to go back until I am sure I'm not contagious.  In the meantime, Alan's sister Susie has been the wonderful primary caregiver, assisted by two dear friends with medical background.  Charlotte is on her way back from Huntsville, so that will take some of the burden from Susie.  

I wish I had better news.  This is very upsetting.


Anne Turner-Henson said...

Prayers for you all. Anne

Anonymous said...

We are really concerned, and pray that Alan will come through this safely, and that you will get better soon to be able to continue to be with him. Loren

meilaushi said...

Really sorry to hear about the down-turn. We hope the doctors can get everything straightened out, clear Alan's lungs, and enable him to get back to normal. Meantime we're thinking of you both and hope all turns out well as quickly as possible!

Unknown said...

Prayers! Alan is a strong man with tons of will power...he'll fight this. Be strong, this will pass and you both can get on with life. Glad you have people to help, but I can do anything, just call. Love, Tim

Carol Moore said...

Alan and you are on our prayer list and hoping that he will improve. Sending prayers and love....