Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The day after election day, 2016

I usually don't say anything about politics in my blog, but yesterday's election was so devastating to this country that I can't let it pass without comment.  We will go from Obama: a brilliant, compassionate, knowledgeable, inclusive servant of the people, whose whole heart was to serve the best interests of all the people of this country -- to Trump: a sexist, isolationist, caterer to white supremacists and dictators,tax dodging, anti-intellectual, autocratic, buffoon, who has little or no knowledge of the law, the constitution, or the role of the U.S. in international affairs.  Like all would-be dictators, HE and HE alone has all the answers.  He will without a doubt be the most destructive leader we have ever had.  I cry for the United States; it is on a terrible, divisive path.


Steve Baldwin said...


I agree that yesterday's election is very disturbing. Both in the campaign and the election we saw the ugly underbelly of some of our more base values still held in our country. That being said, the one thing about the foundation of our democracy that can save our country is that there is a contract between those who govern and the people and that is our constitution. It has stood the test of our history as a free country and has withstood every challenge our country has faced to be a self-governing, free society. It no doubt will be tested again, possibly very soon!

I have faith that it will stand the tests that it will face in the future!

Steve B.

meilaushi said...

As I now put on my e-mail signature: "Don't blame me. I'm innocent!!! I didn't vote for him!!!" This election was utterly unbelievable--and a classic example of Winston S. Churchill's astute comment: "The best argument against democracy is the ignorance of the average voter." That was certainly in evidence in this election: A man who is a consummate liar, megalomaniacal egotist, racist, cheat (on taxes and of the investors, contractors, and people who worked for him), a sexist who views women as mere objects for his no doubt undersized whatever rather than persons, and a hater of immigrants in a nation whose population is very largely that of immigrants and children of immigrants. Australian friends of ours rightly called him 'that clown' and found this election unbelievable. I hope there are enough decent people left after he makes an utter mess of things to throw him and his foul party OUT. Too bad it didn't happen this time!!!

Rhoda said...


Thank you for your reasoned and knowledgeable response. I appreciate the hopeful attitude. I wish I shared it completely.

I sincerely hope you are right. However, now that all branches of government, soon to include the Supreme Court, are in the hands of one party, there will be less motivation for them to listen to those who may have differing opinions. When you take that situation and put it with a leader like Trump, there is the frightening possibility that the constitution will be bent to foster whatever cause suits the party in power. As you say, however, there is contact between the people and those who govern, and if the system works correctly, the people will rise in protest if this occurs. But it will take a vigilant, informed populace, willing to voice their opposition both to legislators personally and at the ballot box. My fear is that the opposite will happen. People may drop out, feeling disenfranchised and helpless--or so angry that they resort to violence. I sincerely hope that the anger being expressed now will be transformed into action--becoming involved in the political process to preserve the rights of all Americans and the values of inclusivity that are emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty.