Monday, April 17, 2017

Alan Update: 4/17/17

Alan is still on ventilator because he is not breathing on his own at this time. His pneumonia is being treated as aggressively as possible, but he isn't making a lot of progress.  So his condition is much like it was when I last wrote. When the pneumonia gets better, they will start weaning him off the ventilator.  I don't know when that will happen. Thankfully, Alan's sisters Susie and Charlotte are here, so we can take eight hour shifts and cover being there 24/7.  They are wonderful with him.  I have recovered from my sinus infection, so I've been taking my shift at the hospital for the last two days.  He opens his eyes when we talk to him, but he is very sedated.  


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Alan. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. May he show some improvement soon. Love to both of you, Corrina

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and Alan. Hoping for improvement soon.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say that this is Marcia Q.

Allan said...

I really hope Alan gets to feeling better soon. Thanks for all the updates Rhoda. - Allan Maki.